Signal radar: Are innovative start-ups set to tackle the spread of misinformation?


A new wave of tech ventures are seeking to call out the ‘fake’ in so-called ‘news’ spread on social networks.

– This signal forms part of Hunch | Strategic Innovation Pathfinder, our proprietary cross-sector database examining changes in customer behaviour and expectations that have the potential to grow in scale and impact. –

The spread of ‘fake news’ during the coronavirus pandemic, not to mention pre and post US election, has only served to intensify calls for greater scrutiny of news sources and the veracity of information shared on social media platforms.

Warnings indicating false information or disputed claims have become our virtual ‘new normal’.  Ever more sophisticated solutions are being sought to hold back the tide. Many of these are being provided by start-ups.

Last year Twitter acquired Fabula AI, a London-based start-up that uses machine learning (ML) to help detect the spread of fake news online. It helps identify the authenticity of any information that circulates on social media regardless of its intent.

Logically uses AI to combat information overload, misinformation, fake news and other types of harmful content. The company’s services have already been used to support the elections in India and the US. They are also using their capabilities to protect the public against COVID-19 misinformation during the pandemic

Storyzy’s algorithms automatically detect websites, blogs and video channels based on their reliability and classify these sources into categories (false information, propaganda, conspiracy, etc.).  They also help to counter the spread of misinformation on social networks by using AI to spot fake quotes.

Despite promising developments, will start-ups ever be able to fully hold back the tide as disinformation campaigns learn to leverage new technologies to bypass approaches to counter them?

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